April 20th is the World Armwrestling Day which celebrates the WAF Armwrestling Full Membership to GAISF, the Global Association of International Sport Federations, a first step to the Olympic dream.

Over 90 country members of WAF will organize ARMWRESTLING events, competitions, shows on this day when we will all celebrate OUR WORLD ARMWRESTLING DAY.

Wishes from the WAF President:

Dear armwrestling friends,
With the occasion of the World Armwrestling Day on 20th of April 2019, I want to send you my warmest greetings and wishes of health, happiness and success in developing armwrestling in your country. I wish armwrestling to reach the dream of the Paralympic and Olympic games which I am sure we can succeed.
Yours truly,
Assen Hadjitodorov
WAF President

logo 20 april

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