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Search for Suspended Athletes


This search engine provides information about individuals who are not in good standing due to anti-doping or disciplinary violations as determined by the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF)...

The information is updated regularly to reflect the most current status of individuals who have been sanctioned for violations. The data provided is for informational purposes only and is intended to ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of sport. By using this search engine, you acknowledge and accept that the information is based on decisions made by the relevant authorities, and neither the search engine nor its operators are responsible for the accuracy of the data once posted by those bodies.

How to interpret results:

Suspended: This individual is temporarily restricted from participation in WAF-sanctioned events. You have the right to request reinstatement. To begin the process, please fill out the Reinstatement Declaration Form.

Banned: This individual has violated reinstatement conditions or committed infractions that do not permit reinstatement. Please note that reinstatement is only allowed once and no further appeals can be made.

Reinstated: This individual has fulfilled all conditions and is now allowed to participate in any WAF-sanctioned events.

Antidoping:This athlete is provisionally suspended for anti-doping violations and cannot be reinstated. For more details, please visit Tested Athletes and/or Anti-Doping Information.

For more information or inquiries, please contact us at office@waf-armwrestling.com.